You need to add your Comcast email address and password.Sign in to your Comcast Webmail account and start browsing today! Just go
We recommend to select multiple addresses, so you will be able to send mail online from each one. Don't confuse this with the Comcast webmail interface address. How to select a public address? Choose the address to which you want to be able

On the off chance that you as of now have a password, you can utilize that. Make a secret key for the Comcast account. If you already have a Comcast email address, you can Enables us to associate your username with the Comcast webmail client. Choose your a name, gender and birthday to add to your nickname. I'd like to go back to just having the Droid pickup my comcast email through "Messaging." Any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it? Thanks.Tags for page: comcast imap settings comcast smtp settings comcast server settings comcast pop3 settings I can get my Comcast email in Xfinity Mobile, but I don't like some of the permissions required for Xfinity Mobile, not the application bloat on my device.

I spent time with a Comcast help person on chat, who could not make comcast email work in my "Messaging," but eventually had me download Xfinity Mobile. Which I did, but now it says "unable to connect to ." BTW, I have a gmail account and a business email account that are working fine through all of this, and my comcast email works fine on my desktop computer and when accessed on-line. A few days ago, I started getting error notices that the phone was unable to connect to comcast because of an expired certificate from "bouncycastle.jce." Unable to figure that out, I thought I'd try to reset it by deleting my comcast email account and then setting it back up. I've had my Droid X for several years, and received Comcast email in "Messaging" box after setting up the Comcast account.