Firefox refresh button missing 2017
Firefox refresh button missing 2017

firefox refresh button missing 2017

Looking around the web most places say it is "not used", and all the solutions here pass null for that. the second argument to history.pushState() is a title.(The browser is also likely to include that string in the address bar when on the page, which is ugly.) location.href should be used for the URL. Solutions which pass a string like 'no-back-button' or 'pagename' seem to work OK, until you then try a Refresh/Reload on the page, at which point a "Page not found" error is generated when the browser tries to locate a page with that as its URL. the third argument to history.pushState() is a url.history.pushState() does work on all of them. history.forward() (my old solution) does not work on Mobile Safari - it seems to do nothing (i.e., the user can still go back).

firefox refresh button missing 2017

History.pushState(null, document.title, location.href) Window.addEventListener('popstate', function (event) I offer the following (tested on Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari): history.pushState(null, document.title, location.href) I came across this, needing a solution which worked correctly and "nicely" on a variety of browsers, including Mobile Safari (iOS 9 at time of posting).

Firefox refresh button missing 2017