A necessary addition to the collection of Belle & Sebastian fans, indie pop fans, and music lovers, Underachievers Please Try Harder is an early contender for a best-of-2004 list. Elsewhere the band takes trips into country ("Before You Cry" with co-lead vocals by John Henderson and Campbell), acoustic folk balladry ("Your Picture"), and good old indie pop (the driving "Number One Son") while never failing to achieve anything less than excellence. "A Sisters Social Agony" is angelic doo wop with lovely tinkling bells, "Teenager" is a sparse ballad with wonderfully cutting lyrics, and the quietly epic "Books Written for Girls" features Campbell's most aching vocal and sounds like the best track Everything But the Girl never recorded. The songwriting is very nice, occasionally reaching the level of their idols' work. It also throws in loads of imaginative little hooks that keep things lively.

The band manages the rare feat of sounding full and rich without jamming every possible frequency with sound. Buy Digital Album 8. Tracyanne Campbell's vocals are pure and honeyed, never veering into sappiness or out of tune. Underachievers Please Try Harder by CAMERA OBSCURA / Digital Album Streaming + Download Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Underachievers Please Try Harder is a stunningly unassuming, tender, sweet, melodic, and memorable record. Look at it as a homage or a coincidence or whatever you like, but be sure to look past the surface because what you will find is enough to charm your socks off. Yes, their fellow Glasgow residents Belle & Sebastian are a huge influence on the group as the two share a similar musical sound, a similarly literate lyrical slant, and a similar overall approach.

Camera Obscura has no doubt worn out their copy of If You're Feeling Sinister by now.